I started working with Odoo a few weeks ago.
Even if its written in Python, you can't install odoo with pip, at least not from pypi. So you have to clone the Github repository, install python dependencies, install PostgreSQL et configure Odoo to hit the database.
Not really a big deal but enough fast for me.
Just a few weeks after working with Odoo, they released Docker images, I was really happy to see this because it allows me to use Odoo without install anything except Docker.
After some times playing with Odoo Docker images, I felt struggle because when you multiple Odoo container to instanciate with custom modules, it becomes too heavy to be practical.
So I created a small project. The idea is to create container with addons as volumes, build the addons path with those modules and automatically create database container with just one command.
Some things needs to be added/improved, as checking that addons are compatible with the version of Odoo used, allow images update, automatically install system/python dependencies required by modules.